
OMG Fashion

I recently received two gorgeous playsuits from OMG Fashion.  As I said in my last post, playsuits are my favourites at the moment and these two are perfect.
The first is a hot pink, black and white geometric pattern and it looks a bit like a dress since the shorts are quite baggy. It has a cute cut out at the back and I generally love it.  I paired it with my black 'Reona cleated platforms' from ShuSole.

Second is this mint green and black playsuit with a collar. I love it because it can be dressed up and mint green is currently one of my favourite colours.  It has the same cut out at the back as the other one too.

All links are at the bottom of this post, as usual.  Hope you enjoyed reading! x

OMG Fashion*;


FD avenue outifts

I recently received two gorgeous items from FD Avenue and I will be sharing them in this post.

The first is this royal blue playsuit with flower necklace attached.

It is such a gorgeous colour and is really well made.  I paired it with these silver heels from Next which I actually got for my prom last year.
The only problem I found with this playsuit was the length.  I am quite tall (5'9") so I found that it would probably be more comfortable if it was slightly longer, however it would be perfect for anyone shorter than I am!

The second item is this 'more issues than vogue' jumper.  I have been after one of these for ages so when I saw it I knew I had to have it!
I paired it with some plain black leggings from Dorothy Perkins and the 'Reona Cleated Platforms' from Shusole.

I will leave the links to everything below if you want to have a look for yourself, thanks for reading! x

FD Avenue playsuit
FD Avenue jumper
ShuSole platforms


Code VLM mascara

Today's post is on the amazing 'Code VLM' mascara.

To start with, the packaging is gorgeous.

I am a sucker for nice packaging, I sometimes buy things purely based on that so if I saw this on the shelf I would definitely have picked it up.  The information on the back claims that 99% of people who tried it would recommend it to a friend and I can see why, I will definitely be recommending it to everyone!

This photo shows just how good this mascara is.  The left photo is without mascara and the right is with just one coat of Code VLM.  It is very buildable too, without going clumpy or flaky.  I have had it on all day and it hasn't smudged or flaked once.

They suggest using the 'Roots, Wriggle, Roll' method which is placing the brush as close to your roots as you can and wriggling from side to side before rolling the wand to the end of your lashes.  This worked really well for me.

As if all that wasn't enough, it also says it contains vitamins and waxes to help encourage lash growth.

This is definitely my new favourite mascara so if you want to check it out for yourself, have a look at these;